Altruistik Malaysia established on August 1, 2017 is a non-profit organization. Its main mission is to reduce human suffering. Altruistic Malaysia respond to natural disasters, emergency & humanitarian aid, health welfare and poverty chronic. Altruistik Malaysia founder, Logesh Kumar Sethuraman has chosen the name - Altruistik Malaysia which means to prioritize the happiness and welfare of people and put self in service to the community without putting the necessary attributes, selfless, non-sectarian and politically free. Associations based on laws in Malaysia as charitable organizations registered in the Registry of Society under the Societies Act 1966 brings the perspective of national-level associations. Altruistik Malaysia seeks to combine humanitarian efforts and long term community development. Altruistik Malaysia approach - "Altruistik Malaysia Core Integration“ introduced by Logesh Kumar Sethuraman - highlight the value "humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence” contribute to participation local integration, service integration, strategic partnership, and focus on civic skills. In this way, Altruistik Malaysia empowers the community to create, design and implement a transparent solution in humanitarian mission - and for future generation. The Altruistik Malaysia mission is to embrace issues such as poverty, hunger, health and lack of economic opportunities. New programs are created for tailored to the local needs that have been seen in the broader market, using innovative technologies, and enable community to increase their standard. This merger remains the basis of Altruistik Malaysia dedication to the settlement built on knowledge, expertise and compassion by the Altruistik Malaysia family and communities.